Our hardscape selection includes over 200 options and offers a range of styles, colors, and textures from top suppliers to find the optimal stone to meet your client’s needs. We have extensive indoor and outdoor displays, and our Hardscape Design Center is the perfect showroom and design space to plan a project.
Natural Stones & Veneers
Stone Products We Offer
- Walkway & Patio Stone
- Wall Stone
- Steps & Treads
- Belgian Block
- Boulders
- Natural Stone Veneer
- Cultured Veneer
- Porcelain Pavers
Contact Us
Let our stone specialist guide you through our hardscape options to enhance your client’s landscape.
Patrick Czaplicke
Stone & Masonry Manager
Join Our Pantano Loyalty Program
As part of our ongoing commitment, we are pleased to offer an industry-leading loyalty program as an opportunity to increase your profitability year-over-year. Let us be Your Total Source to maximize your purchasing power and earn up to a 5% credit annually.

2025 Wholesale Nursery Catalog